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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another medical update

I caught some sort of digestive system plague, and the last week or so has been miserable.

It used to be that these illnesses would effect me more (because of my existing lung problems) than the general population, but this is ridiculous. I get a sniffle, a cough or a stomach ache and I am down for days, trying not to moan so loudly I disturb the kid.

I am in a fairly dark place, mood-wise. Eating is no longer pleasurable, nor is sleeping. In fact, since the heart attack, I have felt almost nothing but nerve-munching, upset-making, oh-god-I'm-gonna-die fear.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear it. Wish I had something useful or at least reassuring to say, but frankly, I haven't experienced what you are experiencing and so I am utterly, totally clueless.