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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

An Explanation of the 180 I.Q. thing.

I am not really THAT smart.

I have taken 35 IQ tests, only six of which were administered by professionals. On those six tests, I scored the following:

Unmeasurable (max 200)

On the other tests, the average is about 150.

IQ tests absolutely nothing but the ability to take IQ tests well. That's all. If it actually tested anything useful or functional, MENSA members would be running the world instead of being a collection of socially malfunctioning malcontented underachievers who think they SHOULD be running the world.

I use the number 180 because it is a nice, round figure, it is pleasantly high, and it is on the license plate of a total ubergeek in the movie "sneakers".

I am smarter than the average bear, no more. I suck at math, I have no memory for dates, names, times, schedules. Without my wife, I would never even know what day of the week it is. This was true even when I was a full-time computer repair person who HAD to know these things.

Nope, it is a joke. My intelligence comes mostly in the usage (preferably savage, vicious, unrelenting) logic in argument, conversation, and writing (not the kind of writing I put in my blog).

Diogenes is easily as smart as I am, and CrowBear is going to be an amalgam of my intelligence, which lies in communication, and his mother's intelligence, which lies in organization, keeping track of diverse detail, and dogged devotion to task. Step aside, world, here he comes.

If he decides to be a happy bum, I will be content. If he decides to accomplish something, I will watch with profound admiration. If he decides to pursue his potential to it's fullest, I will be jealous and mooch off him for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Meri said...

you are waaay too funny....