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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Whatever shall I do? I am just wracked with indicision!

For the last fifteen years, my most serious medical problem has been my massive high blood pressure.

It's gone.

Apparently, whatever happened with my heart attack has completely eliminated my hypertension.

Which leads me to a question I have, at the moment, no answer for :-) . The Docs have been telling me that I need to become less angry, less tense, less vehement, less stentorian, less ME. THAT was what was causing my hypertension, my type-A temperament (even tho I live a very nearly stress-free lifestyle, worry very little, and am a complete slob) and I MUST change it, or it will kill me. Oh, and lose some weight.

None of them said "perhaps a heart attack might be a good idea, too" but that is what seems to have done the trick.

Now, losing the weight was annoying (throwing up for six hours at a time three or four days a week sucks, but THAT is gone, too) but maybe that was all I needed to do, that and my heart readjusting. My cholesterol is fine (my triglycerides suck, and I am not sure what that means, and neither are the doctors)

So I need to decide whether to change who I am, trusting that they were right all along and this is just a freak reaction, and if I stay my arrogant, sure-of-myself condescending, snippy, angry self, it'll just start killing me again, of do I say FUCK 'EM in a loud, angry, self-righteous, arrogant, I-know-more-than-them voice, and continue merrily on being the smartest guy in the room, a semiprofessional asshole, a 180 I.Q. annoying bastard?

Heh heh heh. I wonder which I will pick? Don't you?

Gonna keep losing weight, tho. Bring on the salad!


1 comment:

Meri said...

I'm glad you are feeling better-i was hopeing for an update from Deb at some point-