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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Lizard's Rules For (mostly) Safe And (relatively) Sane Mysticism, part one

#1 anticipate insanity
The line between Mystic and Total Fucking Nutball is very very thin. Instead of fearing and avoiding insanity, accept it, prepare for it, and plan ways to mitigate or compensate for it. Cultivate non mystic friends and partners who are willing and able to tell you that you are getting too wierd. Listen to them.
#2 Don't drink the cool-aid
ALWAYS maintain, in the front of your mind, the idea that you could be COMPLETELY wrong about all this mysticism shit. It might well be self-deception, wish-fulfillment, insanity or fraud.
#3 Don't prepare Cool-Aid for the consumption of others
When you talk about mysticism, to believers and skeptics alike, understate everything. Cultivate doubt in both yourself and in others, and do it openly and in stark terms. Whenever possible, avoid passionate implorement. Don't try to convert people, don't try to convince them, don't try to make them admire you, don't try to impress them.

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