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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Bletherous Redultatude.

Blitherous redultatude.

I defrobulized her,
but it was too late, the damage had been done,
and nothing I could do whould make the priloprop stop klelunkling.
We wept as she frobbed, gilwhackily.

the elpler-splogue bespracheted the morgravinder
but to no avail, because her melenphytoc brusbander odburrulled,
and none of the frabjons were trained in the ways of norplicks.

The defrobulizing was eccemidic, but softly so,
and her brouebabs rose and fell and rose and fell,
and became hicklinjipy with the strain
but the bribs of her impinder did not return,
and we mourned and freeflined,
while the sprival light sank slowly from our sight.

The defrobulizing continued, much to her extreme norbutrer.
She bagan to thrash violently, then she smarmled on the cruiplod
and begged forgiveness for her brimundling.

we glivened her, as she had asked us to,
but she then refused to plorn,
so we glivened her again.
On the third, she wraksplinted, and knew no more.

The frobinjay and the norplicks formed a line about us,
gleegily replerting the entire, vast ungulanimy.

"It Falls To US!" he shouted,
and the pleeving of the groschnacks
became even more groobed.

I defrobulized her, tho she wanted it not,
but the brusbanders,
the small brusbanders,
must spilf all the rells.

So we sat, forlorn and blugaggled.
I splonted her, and she splonted me.
but the megleg was too palfruous
and our passion, mingled and thrensed together
bleered us both through the glupless night.

Sklergs quefrelled through the dark trull
leaving bits of it smooming on the carpets
so that all who schinted there felt the creplerous waufgham.

Now, in this place, glivening us together under blufrand,
the creplerousness is bethriven. And had bethrived.
in the end, her plabulousness churminked.
Finally, and we all agreed.

our salten tears befriddled the path,
and we norblered it no more.
Norblered no more.

It was the bleen, it was always just the bleen


Anonymous said...

smarmling on the cuiplod sounds pretty bad.

What kind of Brusbander? the old 370's? I had a 220 once, I guess that shows my age.

I see where you are coming from about the bleen, though. Isn't it ALWAYS just the bleen?

Dunno if I would go so far as to call the redultatude bletherous. You would be justified in calling it prumpled, perhaps even exantifrated. But Bletherous goes too far.

Just the bleen is Bletherous. it's always the bleen. I thought you enderfrilled that.


Anonymous said...

I don't get it. And the wierd part is I can't tell whether or not there is anything to 'get'.

Lizard said...

It is just me trying to write through a haze of pain and pain medication. It comes out like this. I thouoght it interesting enough to post. It flowed like many of my poems. It is gibberish, and there is nothing to 'get' but the 'feel' of words for which you have no 'meaning' associated.

Lizard said...

the sunlight besmeckled her ablovien face, exfrunzenating it's softness to the surrounding area, so that the tableau smarmled in the softness that was her.

Her voice, smildy and proufenerate, plorned in my mind as I listened to the herionsel tones of her smarmeluted song, a song of splooes and loss, heartbreak and wracksplinting.