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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Sunday, March 30, 2008


There was once a fire in my heart
'till I pissed on it,
stirred the ashes
and buried the remains
and I still remember it's presence
and have felt it's absence every second since.

Once, I worked with the shadows
and molded forces in the aether
calling forth beauty and knowledge
and frolicking gently with the creatures that live in it
but I forgot how
I slammed the door
wedged it shut
and painted the black cross on it
and expired waiting for the cart

Once I danced before the castle
'neath a blood-red sunset
on the hillside near it's cold dead walls
but there, now, only the zombies dwell
and I dropped my gate-key long ago
thinking I'd never want it again.

Once I told myself that I wanted no regrets
never revisiting a decision
or reliving a choice
but somewhere regret has creeped into me,
and I wish I had done other things

1 comment:

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