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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Health Update -

Whine, moan, complain. More hospital, more pain, more bullshit.

Spent last monday night in the E/R with crippling chest pain. I had a lot of that before the heart attack, and it was all written off as non-cardiac pain. Then I had a heart attack. Now, I have chest pain, and they are calling it non-cardiac pain again. I wonder why I am not completely reassured? Probably just hypochondria. I mean, all that chest pain before the heart attack was obviously non-cardiac, of course the chest pain I suffer AFTER the heart attack is just bound to be non-cardiac too. It is so obvious.

Anyway, that is why there have been so few entries into this blog. It is kinda hard to write and clutch my chest at the same time. But, since the doctors are so sure it is non-cardiac mystery pain, i am sure it will go away soon.

1 comment:

Meri said...

sheesh, I hope they figure out what is going on.