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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Where, oh where, has my week gone?

Sooooooo, it turns out that I am missing 7 days from my life, five in one chunk, and two in another. Here is what happened:

I went to the E/R and got medication that lowered my blood pressure. And I don't remember the next 5 days. I only understood this last night, when I took my family out to dinner and we talked. Turns out I was a complete (tho nonviolent) asshole. "Grumpy" is the word my very pleasant and nonjudgemental wife used, which, coming from her, is a very severe statement.

I realized this was happening almost immediately (from my perspective, anyway) and wanted to go off the med the next day, but since I was scared to death of ... well... death, I kept taking it. From my perspective, I kept taking it for two days, but from the perspective of everybody else, it took me 7 days. I then called the Doc and asked if it was dangerous to stop taking the med suddenly, and they said I needed to keep taking it and the "side effects" would eventually subside. Now, judging from the number of pills that are left, I stopped taking the med about two days before I 'woke up'. After talking with the doctor, I took another dose, and lost the next two days.

While I was out, I drove, talked with people (including my oldest and dearest friend, on the phone, for a few HOURS) and nobody but my wife noticed that anything was wrong.

I have stopped taking that med. This condition is terrifying and very hard to deal with.

Under normal circumstances I am a VERY controlled person. It does not always seem that way because I am vehement and loud, but it is true. Even in the height of anger or depression, I always know what I am doing. To spend LARGE chunks of life out of control is horrifying, like living in a nightmare.


Anonymous said...

As someone who remembers little of my own life, I can understand the terror of this situation completely. We had a wonderful conversation, by the way, and I'll email you with more soon.

Lizard said...

I hope you remember all the good stuff about your life. I think I remember a few good days and nights of your life myself. :-) Thanks for commenting on the blog, my friend.