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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I FUCKING hate christmas

Let me be very clear: I hate Christmas. I hate everything about it. I hate Santa, I DESPISE the Little Baby Jesus, I can't stand either giving or receiving gifts, I hate the music, I hate the sentiment and I hate the day.

Santa is nothing more than a shill for the moneysucking merchant pinheads pushing bullshit toys and a spirit of unmitigated greed.

Santa is a lie, generally the first significant lie we tell our children. "Oh, it is such an innocent lie" they say. "Oh, it does no harm! The kids LOVE it" Yeah, bullshit on both counts. Let's teach the kids that in order to instill the happy-happy-joy-joy ethos of peace-on-earth-goodwill-to-men, we have to invent an obese asshole with terrible taste in clothes. Yeah! Let's teach our kids that in order to teach them generosity, we have to first lie to them, then we have to accompany it with greed.

"Oh, but Christmas is about the message of Jesus" they tell me. Yeah, lets teach our kids that ending your career executed by the powers that be and failing in your mission is a good thing. Lets tell them that a quisling, a cringing, whining, other-cheek-turning passive dipshit is actually GOD. Lets tell them that if you get invaded, oppressed and nearly genocided out of existence, you should pay your fucking taxes to your fucking oppressor, because Rendering Unto Ceaser is a good thing, even if Ceaser is offing your people like they were ants at a picnic.

Lets keep telling our kids that if Grandma gives them a pair of mittens 9 sizes too small, they have to smile, and LIE, and thank her with sentiments they almost certainly do not feel. Let's perpetuate the culture of lies that communal crap-giving furthers. Lets insist we buy gifts for people we can't stand, because it's Christmas.

I do not give gifts for christmas, nor do I want to receive any.

Fuck Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Okay, Lizard, I don't get you. Clearly you are not antireligious, because more than half of your posts are about religion, in a sense. Obviously christianity has annoyed you, so it is a good guess that you aren't one.

So, what are you?

I know you wargame, I know you do drugs, I know you can play Russian WW2 combat strategy better than anybody I have ever met(digitally), and I know you know a lot about the bible and the occult. What does all that add up to?

Meri said...

I think christmas is what you make it. the whole Santa Claus myth is like any other myth we tell chidren for the sake of fairies, elves,dragons...and I don't think you have to be Christian to like the holiday either or believe in the whole baby Jesus thing....for me its about family and having fun, and tacky decorations, and good food : )

Lizard said...

I have never told my son that faeries, dragons and elves are 'real' in any sense other than legend. If we, as a group, were telling our children of a legend, as a legend, I would have less objection. But a lot of kids BELIEVE this, and that is simply inexcusable. As inexcusable as telling them a crucified wuss is actually GOD (or that there is such a thing as god at all)

Meri said...

your telling this to a person who believed in Santa clause way longer than most kids, as well as other odd make believe characters (winnie the pooh, dragons etc.). Don't tell us how you really feel LOL : )