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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Monday, November 26, 2007

How do YOU think?

I think in words, and with a few exceptions, I always have. Thoughts come to me in complete sentences, usually grammatically correct. Interestingly, I don't think in letters, or in the sound of the words subvocalized. I think in meanings, but those meanings are always in a grammatical or descriptive structure.

I think that because of this, I find it extremely difficult to visualize static images. All of my thoughts move. The view is always different at the end of the thought than it was at the first.

Bastet thinks in pictures. Haven't asked if they move or not. Honey? Keeping up with my blog? DO the pictures you think in always move?

I learn best by listening to the spoken word explaining something. I learned to be a DM by listening to Forstchen or CrimeBoss run games.

I can remember most important conversations I have had verbatim. I am sure Bastet and Yhazmina would both fervently disagree (and both have, loudly and mock-violently. ) I can also remember the repetitions of "I didn't SAY that!". I think most people remember what they MEANT, not what they said. And because most people don't think in words, they often do not realize that the two are not identical. I am not saying, by the way, that my recollection is always right.

So, I know people who think in words and in pictures. I am quite sure my dog thinks in odors. Anybody think in sounds? Is that even possible?

Do people born blind think in terms of a spatial perception that I can't imagine because I can see? Or is it sort of like my thinking in words but not in sounds, they think in shape and structure but not in pictures?

Thinking about thinking, preparing for my yearly solstice trip.

Under the effect of psychedelics, I experience the effects as a conversation with dark, foggy pictures accompanying. I hear the sounds, and feel the emotions, all expressed to my mind in words, paragraphs and connecting plot-lines or developments. Wierd, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the first time I realized that you thought differently than me. I read Temple Grandin and she talked about the way that she "thinks in pictures" and how many people with Autism do that. I thought at the time "is that weird"? So I asked you and you explained that you thought in words! I think in both. Some things have pictures, some things are subvocalized words. Nothing is a written word and the 'meanings' I get are pictures. Some pictures move, some dont. Math gives me solid pictures that remain motionless and change mathmatically. (What I mean is if I was picturing 2+4, I would picture 2 of something, then 4 of something and bring them togehter, only much faster than this explanation takes to type.) Ideas give me pictures that move from the begining of the idea to the end - though not always in what might be thought of as a "movie" and not even as my dreams might progress - more jumpy - changing suddenly as I put a new idea into place - like how a puzzle changes when you add a piece. Often these pictures are accompanied by subvocalized text that jumps in here and there - like a narration - and then gets translated into the picture. Well, I dont think I have cleared anything up - only muddied some muddy waters! Anyone else out there - how do you all think?