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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Finally, some GOOD news

My back, which has been causing massive amounts of pain for 15 years now STARTS the day almost painless. As I stress it, it gets achey, and I still can't do much, but this weekend I did housework at a consistent (tho slow) pace. That might not sound like much, but it is better than I have done for ages. It has been feeling so painless lately that I have finally canceled my one remaining narcotic scrip. I havent been taking them anyway, but the scrip was always there is a way of getting through the pain, thinking if it gets too bad, I can always fill that scrip.

Thinking about going back to karate soon, and fully participating. That might be a bit soon and a bit overambitious, but I am still just thinking about it.

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