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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Nature Sucks

Sometimes I feel like I am not human.

Planet Earth is the home of humans, the place where they evolved, the place in the universe most able to support life.

Not mine.

I fight constantly against nature. Nature tried to kill me just after I was born, and has been trying ever since to finish the job. I require massive medical intervention just to keep my system from rejecting the very things that keep most of you alive. I can't breath the air, drink the water or eat the bountiful offerings nature provides without requiring some sort of medicine to stave off anaphylaxis (death by allergic reaction). I am allergic to pollen, animal dander, car exhaust, wood smoke, more than 50 industrial and agricultural chemicals, sulfides, sulfates. The only major allergen that I am not effected by is peanuts.

Planet Earth hates my guts and has been trying to kill me for 43 years.

Suck it, Earth. I am still here.

Sorry folks, bad day all around.

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