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If you are going to post comments on this page, please do not use your real name, whole or in part. I do not care who you are, I care only what you have to say. If you know MY real name, or the real name of any of the other commentors, respect our privacy and refer to them only by their pseudonyms. I do not moderate comments, and will not unless absolutely necessary.


I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Friday, June 1, 2007

Lady Dusk

For my muse, Valkyrie

The day is done and the night is coming

the lady of the dusk

whispering to me

and the silver-clad elfin wraith hovers

to summon the waiting wings of the raven

to smother the last of the light

and take me from here


She loves me with the wind on my bare skin

and the waves that wash the pain away

she shines the dark of night like a torch

and it’s pervading blackness washes my soul clean

of its need for the light

and free from the want of warmth.

Her skin against me is the cold touch

that wrings the last blush of that addicting sun

and it will never need the day again

and the rays of light will never reach this flesh.

Her touch is painfully cold

and her fingers trace

brings such exquisite frost

no warm breath can again bring thaw.

It would be my last wish to die in the arms of the night

and never again feel the warm rain

but it is not to be

and the dream soon draws to a finish

and the raven’s wings depart

and forever ends.

The dark figure clothed in moonlight

walking down the road of midnight

receding and taking my heart

and consuming my soul

and leaving me to face the coming dawn

with stolen heart

and eaten soul

and smiling face.


Lady Dusk said...

If this were short enough to have tattooed on my body, I would.

Lady Dusk

Lizard said...

Only if i get to do the tattooing, baby. I'll do it with ink on my tongue....... Okay, that crossed a line of some sort, but what the fuck, it's anonymous, right?

Lizard said...

By the way, to any who read and like this poem, the first comment, above, was written by the person to whom I wrote this poem, my muse, Valkyrie, and thus she has every right to sign herself Lady Dusk.

If the tattoo artist writes REALLY small, it might fit. Start at the collarbone.

Lady Dusk said...

And continue down across the elbows?

Lizard said...

Considering the size of your elbows, baby, I shoulda wrote a longer poem.

So, I had a dream shortly after you posted your comment. Remember, In Conan the Barbarian (my personal favorite movie of all time) when they are bringing Conan back from the dead and they have painted runes all over his body? I dreamed of you with this poem written all over you. Unfortunately (or appropriately, considering the poem) you were also dead and shrouded in thin gauze and were being escorted to Valhalla by a bunch of buff nakes Vin Deisel lookalikes.

Probably aught to lay off the lentil soup before bed, huh?

Lady Dusk said...

Either that or send me the lookalikes before I die so that I can go with a smile on my face. ;-)