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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Friday, April 30, 2010

bottle of pills

There is a prescription bottle
on the shelf
Untouched for years
that represents freedom.

It's contents remain untouched,
for to use it is to lose it
and it is my silent support
and the greatest comfort I have.

It is insurance in pill form.

I have watched slow-motion death
crush families into despair and ruin,
anihiliate hard-won futures
as if they were tissue-thin dreams,
burned by the bedsides of the dying.

While there may be no good way to go
there is certainly a bad way,
slowly consuming every resource
as death is staved off,
minute by minute
while the handholding relations
wish the end would just come, and free them all,
and then hate themselves for wanting it.

There is no dignity in rotting,
no nobility in feebleness,
and little success in hope.

There is no peace in desperation,
just denial.

I will stand proudly and walk through the door
rather than cringe away in fear.

No, I am not suicidal and no intervention is necessary.
it's just a poem

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