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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

with dreams like this, would YOU sleep?

I was watching Condi testify after not getting enough sleep, when I slipped into a dream.

In my dream, Sheldon Whitehouse (who, in my dream, was wearing some sort of weird dolphin costume) asked Condi Rice (who was, rather predictably, covered with blood. Naked. There are times when a good imagination is a curse) the following question:

"Madam Secretary, I am going to ask you to define torture for the record. I am going to ask you this for one reason: Within the next ten years, I expect there to be war crimes trials, and I expect to be called as a witness. At those trials, I expect to be asked what I knew about the torturing of prisoners, and when I knew it. And I am going to tell them the truth, that I tried everything I could think of to make sure that if we were torturing, we stopped, and the people who engatged in it were brought to justice. I am, in foresight, building the record that will be evidence in those trials. With that in mind, Madam Secretary, I would like you to tell me what the administration's definition of "torture" is."

Of course, the Whitehouse-Dolphin wasn't there, Condi wasn't naked and nobody asked that, but it was a nice dream.

YES I will write about ANYTHING to beat writer's block.


Anonymous said...

You dreams are scarey. Supposedly dreams are your sub-concious working out things from the day. Hmmmmmmmm......

Lizard said...

Part of what I am working out, apparently, is the idea that my country, the embodiment of freedom and good, that I have believed in fervently since I began to think, now tortures people.

It drives me to nearly the point of sedition and insurrection. The country is lucky that we americans are lazy, slothful and obese people.

I suppose if I was sufficiently cynical, I would be neither surprised nor disappointed. It is bizarre to think that I am not cynical enough. Me.