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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Alien Abduction Center

There is an area in the brain that knows about alien abductions.

That is just.... deeply bizarre. Not as bizarre as quantum mechanics, but freakin' close.

The reason I think there is an 'alien abduction' spot in the brain is because i don't believe in alien abductions.

If you read the vast amount of alien abduction literature, one thing becomes very clear, that a lot of people are hallucinating the same things. It is also fairly clear that many of these similar hallucinations happened without the knowledge of previous experiences. In other words, in a lot (but still a small minority) of cases, the people experiencing these hallucinations could'nt just be copying what others say.

Like the near death experiences, and conversion experiences, and the alcoholic's 'moment of clarity', the alien abduction experience is a shared experience, and I suspect that there is a spot in the brain which, when stimulated, gives us this experience.

DMT and Salvinorin A both tweak this area (or maybe a receptor system, I don't know) as they both generate the alien-being visions (Salvia's are a bit more horrifyingly strange while DMT's are more godlike and emotive, at least for me).

Why would there be an 'alien being' centre in the brain? Of what possible use is it, evolutionarily speaking? Or is it's presence a by-product of intelligence itself?

These are the things that keep me awake nights.

I probably have pnumonia again, sorry for the infrequent posts.

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