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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Why "half a bag of mojo"?

A Mojo, or a Mojo bag or Mojo hand is a small collection of significant items in a bag, tied with a drawstring, and worn or carried on the person of it's maker. The word comes from africa originally, and is used in the Voudoun (voodoo or hoodoo) animist religion. The Mojo itself, as a physical object, is probably of mixed african and american indian origins, given it's resemblance to the 'medicine bag' of many Native American tribes.

Mojo is also used to represent a certain essence or power, that power which comes from being "in the zone" or grooving. "Got my Mojo working". In the small, unique and wonderful mystic subculture that I call home, Mojo is a term associated with having a sexual or emotional control over another, usually willing, person.

In 1986 I had surgery to correct a hernia, and in the course of that surgery, one of my testicles was damaged, and later removed. At the time, my doctor recommended a prosthetic, and counselling for the "disfigurement". I asked what the prosthetic testicle would be made from, and since the answer was NOT brass or iron, I declined. (space-age polymer, if you must know. Plastic. Now, I ask you: is it better to have a plastic nut, or NOT to have a plastic nut?). I thought the idea of counselling for a missing testicle silly enough to actually laugh out loud. Sorry, Doc, my ego does not reside in my scrotum. Now, if you need to remove a lobe of my brain, yeah, I am gonna need some fairly heavy counselling, but this?

So, in combining most of the above, I thought the name 'half a bag of mojo' was fairly appropriate to a blog of my almost certainly irrelevant musings.

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