Pseudonyms ONLY!

If you are going to post comments on this page, please do not use your real name, whole or in part. I do not care who you are, I care only what you have to say. If you know MY real name, or the real name of any of the other commentors, respect our privacy and refer to them only by their pseudonyms. I do not moderate comments, and will not unless absolutely necessary.


I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My "real name" will never appear here.

I actually agonized about that. On one hand, I am going to be posting my (very) nonconformist politics, ideology and religion where it can be read by anybody. I am an aggressive proponant of my beliefs, and those beliefs are decidedly not the norm. To post anonymously seems dangerously close to cowardice, and cannot send a strong message about the courage of my convictions.

On the other hand, I have a wife and a child. While I think my wife agrees with me on most things, she is a very different person than I, and should not feel the backlash from my opinions. This is not a casual concern, but a very specific one. My wife is a teacher of young children. If her name were associated with my political beliefs, she would certainly feel the effect, and it may impair her, and our, livelihood.

I have to decide in favor of protecting my family. Sound overly melodramatic? I thought so, too, but could not shake the thought that if I am going to be as honest as I want to be in this blog, I can't put my real name on it, not now, not in post 9-11 paronoid america.

What could I possibly believe that would cause such backlash, in the USA, where we enjoy freedom of speech? What religious beliefs could I possibly have that being associated with them would be damaging?

I am sure they will come up.


Anonymous said...

this is such a hard one.....thats why I have a lot of my posts "private" on myspace because of who might read them.....and i keep my posts pretty non-threatening...what a crazy world we live in!

Lizard said...

Whereas, I like my posts to be as threatening as possible, I am just too much of a pussy to put up with the cops banging on my door. But I figured if I am going to go around claiming that drugs are good, organized religion is bad and republicans have all caught Teh Stoopid, I should probably go with the anonymous, cowering-behind-digital-anonymity thing.