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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Brits are getting it right. Us? not so much.

The British High Court came to the conclusion that "United States" authorities had violated the Convention Against Torture treaty that was signed by Ronald Reagan and ratified by congress.

This treaty states that whenever credible reports of torture are made, they must be investigated, first in the jurisdiction in which the torture was alleged to have taken place.

The treaty also directs third party countries to investigate and bring charges if the power accused refuses to investigate on its own.

Obama has no choice now but to investigate if he wishes to conform to the law. If he fails to do so, he is an accomplice after the fact.

1 comment:

Lady Dusk said...

Yeah, and I'm sure he's worried about that. He'll get on it when he's finished turning us into a nation of paupers, but paupers with health care yay!