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I Am Lizard, Who The Hell Are You?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I mean, I studied martial arts theory for a reason. Fat guys need to think much faster than they can move

Gun Safety Tip: If you are carrying one right out in the open where I can see it, make sure it stays more than about 50 inches away from both of my hands if you want me to take it at all seriously. Cop school has GOT to teach weapons theory. This is just embarrassing. At about 50 inches or closer, having that gun holstered at your side is much MUCH worse than not having it at all. It provides me with an astonishing clarity of mind, and it focuses your mind securely on a weapon, instead of resolving the situation. You are no longer thinking, and I have just started. Whatever happens next, from this moment on, our encounter is governed by MY goals, and those largely have to do with having a pleasant day tomorrow.

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